Who likes to go to market ? I mean wet market not supermarket or hypermarket or night market. Hehehe.. Who do you think is the right person should go to wet market to buy food for the family. The husband or the wife or both ??
As for our family, normally my husband will take charge. He is even better than me in terms of ‘identifying’ and recognizing what type of fishes at market and good at comparing price and bargaining too ! Me, whenever need to but uncommon fish, surely I will ask “ ikan apa ni??” . Sometimes I just ask “ Nak buat gulai hari ini, ikan apa sedap.” Definitely ‘pakcik jual ikan’ will show me all types of ikan isi/ ketui for gulai (kari) making.. Hahaah..kan senang keja mak. Sometimes if there is a request from family member to eat certain fish, and if I am not familiar with the fish ‘face’ I will the same way do . malu saja kan..
I remember one of my ex-colleague, He likes fishing and always went to the sea to fish . And whenever we ask him about his ‘ hasil tangkapan’, he will stop doing work and excitedly told us about his experience. He showed us some photos. I was still single that time and when I said I do not know, he scolded me and said , “macamana nak kahwin ni, ikan pun tak kenai”. And I will reply, “ Nanti bukan saya yang nak p market’. Saya soh la husband saya p”. He passionly taught me each types of fish referring to the photos and ask me to remember, a fish is suitable for gulai or masak lemak or certain dish. B fish sedap kalau buat apa… hehehe. Jasamu sangat ku kenang.
Back to the market,only when my husband is away, then only I go. But if I do not have helper to take care of SI, I will not go.. I will go to the nearest kedai mamak to but some raw material. Our grocery shop also sell fish and vege. Usually I will force my brother to go together. He will take care of SI or bring her to breakfast ( our market has wet market and breakfast place next to it ) while me quickly do the ‘shopping’. I don’t like to stay longer at wet market. I quickly buy and go home. Usually I have my favorite stall. I will straight go to the place and get whatever I need. Unless is not there, I will merry go round to find at other stall. Differ for my husband , he will take longer time. He is particular, cautiously choose fish, compare freshness and price
Ok, let’s compare what if the husband or the wife go to wet market. Whatever listed here is base of my experience. Yours may different. Let’s share :
The husband
1) For my husband, he will take longer time at wet market . not sure about other guys.
2) Less particular? I used to see few case where guy just gave a piece of paper of list to buy to the shop owner. Let the owner settle for him. Just pay and bring back.But not my husband in this case.
3) Have to list down things to buy and will buy accordingly, no add on.
4) Possible to miss out the things is there. 10 suruh beli, 9 ja yang dapat.
The wife
1) take longer time or shorter time ? Usually women + shopping = longer time .For me 'shopping' at wet market only is shorter as I know I need to rush back home to ‘ kerjakan’ semua hasil belian ( siang, basuh and etc). Almaklumlah seminggu sekali punya stok.
2) Will go with list but end up, more thing bought compare to list. Ya la..me always bila nampak ketam ke, mula teringin nak masak ketam la. Kadang-kadang baru teringat rempah dah habis la. Awal-awal tanak check. Our market besides raw food and breakfast, also have people selling clothes, tudung bedsheet, pot, pan,shoes,fruits, biscuits and grocery ( pail, hanger, brush and etc). Semua ni menggoda iman.Hehehe
3) Tend to have longer chit chat when meet friend. This is the place where I always meet arwah mama’s friend. ( very rare to meet my friend. *wink* )
4) More particular? I think most of us is particular. Me, even shop in a short time, still will ‘belek-belek’ ikan, bukak insang dia tengok fresh ke tak, tekan-tekan isi lembik ke keras, udang pilih satu-satu. Same goes to vege
5) Bring basket along. Seldom see guys carry basket if he is alone.
I think lot more characteristic if wife or husband go to market. How bout if both go. Yes, there are some of us practice this. We used to go together when SI yet to born. I think is fun though and a way of spending time together during weekend. Usually I order saja, Husband will choose , pay, help to carry the heavy stuff..heheh.
I plan to bring SI one day to introduce but after she is ready. Now I don’t think so. First, I don’t think the place is comfortable for her to walk. Second, tak larat kalau asyik kena dukung.We once brought her and unconsciously, she picked fish and put in her mouth. And once she hold, she doesn’t want to release it. Ayoyo.... Dia ingat fish yang ummi salu masak kat rumah, terus boleh masuk mulut. Now, if 3 of us go, SI and I enjoying breakfast while husband will do the shopping. hehe
So, share your experience at wet market or may some of u prefer to buy fish / meat at hypermarket like tesco , giant which is more convenience without compromising the quality and freshness ?
p/s 1: penangite don’t call pasar, we call ‘market’ instead. Not pronouns as market in English but ‘mar - ket’ in Bahasa way
p/s 2: gulai stand for kari
p/s 3 : for those husband who never go to market, I think we should encourage them to go because previous time we can buy a lot with RM50 but now if they only give us RM50 for market spending. Apa sangat la yang dapat..ikan makin mahal
p/s 4: ikan wajb beli..ikan temenung
Tidak Berpuasa Kerana ADHD?
12 hours ago
26 sharing:
Saya sudah lama tidak ke pasar, tugas jadi tugas rasmi en.suami
as for me.. i will ask my husband to go.. tp aku kena ikut.. dia boring g sorg2.. but aku tak pilih ikan.. aku tgk je.. dia yg pilih.. siang pun aku suh kedai siang.. hehehe..
tp xleh bayang la si SI masuk mulut ikan xmasak.. aisehhh... camana tuu.. hahaha.. kelakarr..
same goes wimme...hubby p beli ikan...tp i kena ikut jugak...bfast kat stall kat market dengan syira while hubby beli ikan/ayam/daging...tp balik i la yg kena siang except masa i ngandung dulu...alah bau hanyir ikan/ayam...
p/s: harus tunjuk this entry to him as he always claim 'untung tau dapat hubby mcm abg,yg belikan brgkat market,beli bawang,kentang etc. with makcik2' :P
kite pun byk ikan tak kenal. ehe..
biasanya hsbnd la yg gi beli brg2 dapur. tp dia tak suka gi market. dulu ms duk kat usm ajak dia gi market tun sardon tu..tau dia kata apa?
"eii..ada pulak nk pergi pasar..pasar tu tmpt org tua2 je tau".
adeh, sabar je la. so, most of the time dia beli di hypermarket je. kite prefer beli di market lg sbb lebih segar. tp kalau dia yg gi beli brg, ada je benda yg tak cukup. tak jumpa katanya. takpun, lain yg kita suruh beli, lain yg dia belikn..huhu. sbb tu kite suka gi skali tu tp dia jrg nk bwk skali sbb dia kata melmbtkn..hehe..
Pn Masayu..what an honor.thx for the very 1st comment..ooh..dah pencen gi pasar ye... bagusla..
Aieza..aku tak buleh p dgn dia..lambat..aku ni nak cepat je kejanya..tapi kalau dok menunggu kat umah, dok bebel, awatla abg ni tak balik2..berzaman dah p..tapi aku tau, dia ni bab membeli suka memilih.. sbb tu kalau ikut, aku salu lepak makan pagi atau window shopping tudung/baju...
saya rasa hubby skrg ramai yg dah pegi...dulu-dulu iye..mak-mak aje pegi sbb mak=mak tak keja..la ni mak2 pakat keja belaka.....mmg depa ni perlu didedahkan dgn alam market
NAdiah..byk persamaan kita anak sulung 2 beradik ni ye..ahaks..
pasar utk org tua-tua..hahha...kalau Tun Sardon tu iye la..dayah penah p jugak ms dok RB dulu..mmg ramai yg org tua...cuba mai seberang...kwsn2 peumahan baru,mesti jumpa ramai org2 muda... ( cm saya..*wink*)
kamipun suka beli kat hypermarket tapi cuma beli sayur, bwg smua tu la sbb sgt2 murah compare dgn pasar...tapi ikan, ayam daging smua mmg tak bagi dia beli kat situ, soh jugak psr sbb fresh skit.
rasa nye dua2 je terus g sama2...
daku & pak ajil selalu g sama... dia ambik ayam, daku ambik sayur2... gitu ler kan .. baru besh
lama dah tak pi wet market..kat sini selalu beli ikan kat giant atau tesco tp tu pon tak fresh sgt..tp kalau kat terengganu,kami pergi pasar basah sama2 belikan lauk untukk rumah MIL..tp i memang tak reti pilih la hahaha..husband yang lebih pakar.
aku pg ngan zulffi dulu ms blum ada anak naik motor sama2..smpila perut dah memboyot benar baru pg ngan kete..hehehe..
skrg ni hnya zulffi pg..bg list kat dia, biasanya sume ada..kcuali brg takde..biasa dia akan round satu market n survey ikan n hrga ikan...yang mana pling bgus kualiti n hrga dia bli..hehehe
bw juga zaffran pg skrg tp tak larat sb rmi sgt org n kn dukung...pnattttt...
aku pun tak kenai gak ikn..tnya ja kat tokei tuh..hahaha
tpi lap pasar bli lauk ja..syur bli kat hypermakret dpt usm ni..dah la murah bnyak lak dpt...
Zura..mmg best jugak klau p bersama..lagi cepat habis..
Farah...kat Ganu mesti ikan segar bugar
Qay..aku blum pernah p market naik moto...heheh..tu la bwk anak ni penat nak kena dokong..tu yg surender tu..
kak mizah mmg suka pegi pasar coz my hubby mmg tak kenal jenis2 ikan. kalau kat tganu dulu pegi keja mmg lalu tepi pantai yang jual ikan segar dia akan balik rmh, amik wife dia dulu untuk bli ikan..
slalunye kalo weekdays ni, mak yg slalu p kedai kat bwh tu beli brg2, since dok ngn mak kan, tu la untung nye. hehehe (manja sungguh nasrah!!)
masa baru kawen, slalu p market ngn cik suami. pilih brg sama2, sama2 belajar pasal brg2 kat market tu, sbb kitorg sama2 tak kenal brg2 basah ni. hahahaha!!! tp sejak dah beranak pinak ni, weekends cik suami yg pegi. dia pon dah kenal sume brg2 basah kan, tu pasal dia p sndr. kang bwk bini, kena bwk anak2 skali kan....
normally aku p ngan laki aku...and shasha...skrg ni shasha dah kenal 2-3 ikan especially ikan pari...hehee...beside membeli aku ambik kesempatan utk memperkenalkan jenis2 ikan,buah & sayur kat shasha...hahaha ini pun kira learning step jugak...instead of reading her books...bile nampak yg real such as tomato, brinjals...harus dikenalkan....
bab membeli brg basah ni laki aku ambik masa lebih lama...aku akan biarkan sahaja apa yg dia nk beli...normally before sampai pasar aku akan inform basic needs such as ikan utk digoreng & udang...yg lain tu terpulang kat dia...apa yg dia beli itu yg dia nk makan....kebiasaannye laki aku p beli ikan aku p beli sayur....haha...kat sini aku p beli stock kat pasar tani...tp kat kg market la (betui tu kat kg tak panggil pasar kan!!!)tapi andai kata dlm seminggu tu ada tetamu nk mai umah (yg last minit inform) laki aku akan p kedai runcit je....bought mee or kuetiaw utk digoreng....
Kalo ayu plak, hubby g pasar dah dapat agak da dia beli ikan n sayur ape...
so kalo nak variety of fish, kene la p sendiri...
lagipon skang nie hubby dah pandai da nak beza ikan segar ngan tidak.. bagus jugak kan.. at least dia belajar..
kalo p pasar mlm, mesti bwk farah.. mcm bed kate.. learning process gak tuk dia kena the exact menda tu kan..
so far, kalo ayu malas nak p "market" mmg hubby je la yang akan beli ikan2 di pasar.. tapi terima je la ikannye yer.. hahaha
Kak Mizah,
kalau kat Ganu mmg kalah la negeri lain...heheh...ada setengah lelaki pandai jenis ikan..ada yg tak brp..kan..mcm kita pompuan la..ada yg pandai msk , ada yg tak mcm saya ni haa...
kamu mmg manja dan bertuah..mak dok sama..
kalau sefamily nak p, jenoh berangkut anak, laki, bakul, ikan..hihih
ayu..heheh..kkdg sama la dgn husband wijdan ni...kalau kita p, mcm sepasar bwk balik
salam dayah, lama tak drop by sini.
Kalau ke pasar malam tiap minggu, husband yg pergi. Tapi bila tika pergi carrefour, nak cari bahan basah, mirah akan buat. Hihi..
salam Mirah...takpe faham..sama-sama sibok kan..
haa..bab nak ke carrefor ke giant ke tesco ke mmg dayah pun 'gediks' nak p jugak...huhuh
pegi pasar kena sama2, kalau kita suruh en hubby pegi sorang...bertalu2 la phone call tanye detail benda nak beli tu.
mula mula dulu akak yg ke pasar. but since org preggy takleh jln kuat kuat, lantai licin,kami buat MOU- hubby kena ganti pi pasar. sebelum SERAH TUGAS kat hubby, bawak dia round satu mar-ket, tunjuk beli apa kat gerai mana. harharhar.mmg sampai la nih dia follow SOP tuh.
p/s: org perlis panggil pasar = nat (pengaruh siam)
MamaMiya... :)mmg ada sesetengah diorg mcm ni..kalau disuruh pegi sorang, jenoh kita nak jwb phone...ada je nanti
wah..siap MOU tu...pastu ada On-Job-Trg lagi tu..hebat..hebat...nak passdown keja kan...
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