Since I became a mother, I have diversified or deviated my interest . everything will be Shukrina related world. One new interest is Cloth Diapering .
I started to wear Shukrina with Cloth Diaper ( CD) when she was 7 months. And I studied about CD when she was 5months. 2 months before I’m taking the decision to explore CD.
Why I like CD very much.
1) Environmetal friendly . U are not adding garbage that contribute to pollution . You are reducing it anyway..
2) Is very natural. No chemical that contact with my baby’s skin (below info copied form one of the blog )
Dioxin, which in various forms has been shown to cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage, and skindiseases, genetic damage, is a by-product of the paper-bleaching process used in manufacturing disposable diapers, and trace quantities may exist in the diapers themselves. Dioxin is listed by the EPA as the most toxic of cancer related chemicals
Tributyl-tin (TBT) - a toxic pollutant known to cause hormonal problems in humans and animals
Sodium polyacrylate -If you have ever seen the gel-like, super absorbent crystals in a disposable than you have seen this first hand. Sodium polyacrylate is the same substance that was removed from tampons because of its link to toxic shock syndrome.
3) Save cost. Long term
4) I like the printed design and color. Sooo cute babe !
5) Challenge myself with one more extra house chore. Actually not much, just add one more laundry per 2 days. Let’s WM do the work !
6) I like every bit and pieces bout CD. The design, the material, the care process and all the jargons in CD world.
I wish I could fulltime CDing but I have to accept the condition where the babysitter (BS ) is not in favor to CDing Shukrina after explanation, trial , pre-line with nappy liner and so on.. she still reluctant (I’ve shared this much in SI, so I’m not gonna repeat here -sedihh L - ). Even I have enough stash for fulltime, am still buying sposies for daytime usage at BS’s house . ( limit 2 per day )
1) Morning b4 sending her to BS ( I know BS will immediately chg to sposies after I go)
2) Evening bath at BS’s house
3) Night before sleep
3CD’s per day and fulltime CDing ( 5-6 CDs ) during weekend and my off day.
1) wash every 2nd or 3rd day –previous I used HAD, now TOP ( TOP lebih wangi skit ) with half or 1/4 from recommendation
2) stripping every month using SunLite
3) washing my washing machine (WM) every 2 month ( can refer to MiaBambina’s blog on how to take care or your WM
4) wash with Sodium and Distilled Vinegar as and when necessary.
My first CD is KasihkuSayangku (KS). I love the design& color so much… gradually I’m adding my CD inventory with various of brands, local and imported, new and seconds . And the latest CD that I bought was last 2 week also from KS- new design but I sold one to my colleague ( he wanna get his wife to try this ) and 2 more haven’t use ( anyone interest to buy LOL ) . I can’ t hold my finger from clicking to CD e-store and embrace myself tightly from buying it especially in this not so well economic condition time (terbabas jugak beli KS )
13 sharing:
dayah, hehe nak let go cd KS ke? Nk let go berapa? Kalau ada yg printed cantik mcm gmbar tu, mcm nak try juga.. hihi :)
salam ukhwah
akak pon baru duk usha2 cd nih :)
Kak Ina
salam ukhwah..saya ni silent reader blog akak..trima kasih ziarah sini
nak ke..heheh..tapi design bukan yg mcm gambar tu..dia plain color, no corak.
ohh..hehe mirah pn ada gak beli cd dari KS tu. Ingatkan tg mcm dlm gmbr tu, cantik printed nya.
Btw, kalau dayah lah prefer guna yg velcro ke button? mirah baru try yg velsro pd anak, nmpk bulky sbb saiz velcro tu mcm besar je kt bhgn pinggang dia, kalau button mcm less bulky, tp baru nk try mlm ni pakai yg button tu.
The preferable ones, cd apa yg dayah recommend beli? tq..
Mirah..yg printed tu mmg kiut tapi rasanya skg KS tak kuarkan yg prinetd tu lagi.
klu saya prefer button, mmg less bulky, tapi velcro senang utk babysitter pakaikan..mcm dispo je fungsi saya mix la ada velcro and button.
saya takla expert far saya takdak mslh dgn smua CD yg saya ada..cuma bila lama tak strip ke, mula la nak bocor
saya prefer Drybees..hehe
salam... yg KS tu brp u nak let go?
sy baru nak bjinak2 dgn CD nie.. so la nie dok dlm proses pbelajaran..
kalau x keberatan, leh cerita ke ngape ur BS x favour CD nie??
-mama emma-
mama emma
saya cite kat sini je la ye..
memula dia ok...saay mmg bagi utk fulltime, tapi after 2-3 day , mula la dia tak mau. alasan
1. besar/tebal sgt.nanti bb panas jalan kengkang
3. bila baby poo, dia tanak bsuh la CD tu.tapi saya kata takyah basug, masuk je wetbag, dia kata geli nak simpan dlm wetbag.
4.saya boh la nappy liner yg dispo punya..pun dia taknak..
5.dia sanggup beli dispo utk anak saya pakai sbb saya bagi smua CD
6.bila pagi2 ,saya hantar,mmg saya tukar CD baru., lepas saya p keje, dia cepat2 tukar ke dispo..smua ni sy dpt tak masa family gathering kt kg ritu, tapi saya tak join,husbang yg bagitau
7.mmg dia mengaku kat maksedara saya smua masa tu, dia tukar ke dispo lepas saya p keje..
tu le antara kisah2 nya..
KS plain( kaler pink n ijau je) tu saya nak letgo RM52/pcs include postage.klu amik 2, leh rendah lagi ingat nak buat demo ms utara gath tapi takjadi pulak gath bazir je sbb saya dah byk CD.
alamak... ijo? pink? aisey.. xkene la pulak... huhu... sorry ek...
-mama emma-
no prob.saya leh bwk demo ms gath SI geng utara pas cuti sekolah ni..
Sorry kalau apa i nak cakap ni akan menyinggung tapi to your BS, bukan ke dia kena ingat yang u adalah ibu-nya & berhak bagi yg terbaik buat anak u, kan? naper dia bagi banyak alasan x nak pakai CD tu?
I sarankan u masuk sini
& bagi artikel tu to your BS
Sorry and my pure intention to share & motivate
no hurt feeling.ur point is acceptable.tapi tulah,BS saya tu pangkat nenek, dah 50an dah umur saya sort of jaga relationship la..sbb tu tanak force sgt..
BTW,I'll get the article to read and share with her..thanks Hanz..
KS yg nak diletgo tuh beserta insert sekali ke?
yup Kak Ina, OS ada 2 insert
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