After the entry about my toothache yesterday, this morning, I decided to see dentist. last visit was in Dec 2008. So bout 1 year I did not check my teeth. This is me.. Kalau selagi tak sakit, jangan harap la.. by right when we were at school, we learned that we must pay a visit to dentist twice per year kan??
We headed to B%ar dental. Even another branch is near to my workplace, tapi tak p jugak padahal sakit dah 2hari .Luckily, only 1 person waiting and one more is already in treatment room.
After registered and waiting for some time, now my turn. I admit, I am a bit coward especially tang nak kena rawat gigi ni. Luckily the dentist is very nice and friendly . And yes, she is a middle age woman , around 40++ I guess. So I am confident enough. Before she start, I told her about the cronology of this toothache.
Dentist say nothing to be worry about receiving dental tretment during pregnant and this is what I am supposed to do. She was asking me which clinic for my monthly pregnancy check-up? Do they inform me that it is good to check my teeth during my pregnancy. So far tak ada la pulak..
So she begun the treatment. Very fast she knew which problematic molar tooth and she agreed with me.. " a bit 'goyang'" She cleaned my teeth especially at the ache tooth. Is a mouthful of blood when I rinse it out. My gum is not healthy too.
After cleaned, not sure what else she put at my tooth.. I only know she applied an antibiotic at the end of session..Taraaa.. done !!
I was given with pain killer, antibiotics and sort of salt to gargle. The fees is RM100. Oppsss..yet to finish. Follow up session is next week. If stil not ok..perhaps this tooth will be leaving me soon.
I just spent my whole day today lying on the bed . Padahal gigi aje yang sakit, still tak mampu nak buat keja
This is the worst toothache I ever had in my life. So to my dear friend, take a good care of your teeth and our childrens too.To preggy mom like me, make sure sufficient calcium intake. Kalau kena treatment bukan sikit fees dia. Kalau company cover bagus lah. Rajin-rajinkanla buat chek-up. So I have made use of benefits for dental treatment very beginning of the year. Awai-awai dah sapu.
Thank you to frens who concern and your advices. Doa-doakanlah gigi saya baik
InsyaAllah, I'll update whathappen next follow up session, ok !
12 sharing:
hsbnd kite sakit gigi ms bln puasa thn lps smpai demam2 dibuatnya. pastu siap kata ' mcm nk tampar org je ni'. haha..tiba2 aje nk cari psl. smpai cmtu skali kalau sakit gigi :D
alhamdulillah dah p ok dah ka cekk???
saya pon dah setahn tak jumpa dentist, kat cni tersangat la mahalnya..cabut gg sebatang $400, bkn RM kena jg betul-betul gg,takut melayang duit
re:dayah...syukur kepada Allah swt.dgn izinNYa memberikan aku dan suami rezeki ni.rumah baru insyallah dlm proses nak pindah2 baranh yg tak guna di rumah kuarters ni.belum masanya lagi nak duduk di rumah baru.sebab aku masih bertugas di opis lama.tgu kena tukar ja ni ke unit baru..uhuhuh..rumah baru weekend n free2 baru balik
sakit gigi..sakit palinggggg ggg sakit dayah..uhuhuhu..serik aku
aku ms prgnnat zaff dulu glum bleeding sb aku pki braces kan..trukkk..smpi bis prgnnt pun msih ada gum bleeding n direfer ke pakar kat fakt gigi ni..
luckily aku staf husm yang ada fakt gigi n klinik gigi n aku on treatment baraces, so g klinik gigi tu mcm g jumpa dktr..foc..hehehehe...
aku pnah g Bhar dental yang kat sunway tuh,,,mak aiiii kasaq gile dia buat scaling ms tuh..nak nangis aku....aku besa ngan dktr2 pakar yang agak lemah lmbut..skli dpt doktor pompuan punjab...aduhhhh...serik akuuu
dayah pun skit lagi nak demam..dok rasa seram sejuk..sakit kepala...huhuh..tu yg manjakan diir dok atas katil ja sehari ...
dah wat treatment, tapi dok sakit lagi la..tengokla, ubat dia bagi dok ada lagi..kalau habis ubat, sakit lagi ke tak..
Kak Mizah
betul, kalau kat M'sia pun mahal, tambah akak yg jaga gigi kita baik2...bukak mulut ja dentist dah cas RM60.hihih
jauh ka umah baru dgn pdg besaq..??
muda2 kumpui harta...
aku mengakui sakit gigi sakit paling teruk, walaupun tang gigi, anggota lain pun ala-ala sakit gak..takleh buat apa...
tak dpt aku bygkan mcmnya gum hang bleeding teruk...
aku pun rasa doc ni kasaq gak...tapi tak kisah la...janji baikk
Tp mmg masa pregnant kita rasa gigi mcm loose je, ya betullah tu sebab calcium defisit kan. Nak bagi calcium kat anak develop bone bagai tu kan. Wah boleh tahan juga fees dia ya.
Kami mujur univ cover rm 300 per year kot(tp ada dengar dah naik sampai rm500?). Tahun lepas tak guna langsung, rugi. Sebab asyik bertangguh je nak pergi. Bila pergi buat scaling gigi akhir tahun lepas, akaun dah tutup, so dia charged utk tahun 2010.
Dah plan lepas ni nak bawak satu family gi jupa dentist. Hihi...
BAgusla Univ Mirah cover..salu kita lupa psal dental benefits ni..kita lebih nak tau psl clinic biasa je..
jgn lupa bwk Aisyah & Khadija pegi..thn 2010 panjang lagi..
Dayah..aku memahami bila sakit gigi time preggie nih..aku pun ni dah masuk 2 minggu sakit gigi..seksanyaaa la kan...takpe ...sbau-sabau
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