Greeting the new year coming.Today is a new day for the year 2010. Happy new year everyone!!
I'd love to share part of my MD's message to us with all of your my dear blogger friends. I mean the same way , applicable to the relationship that you and me established this far.
"I feel that you are justified in looking into the future with true assurance, because you have a mode of living in which we find the joy of life and the joy of work harmoniously combined. Added to this is the spirit of ambition which pervades your very being, and seems to make the day’s work like happy child at play."
Hope this year will bring more happiness, prosperous and the most important is Allah’s bless in our daily life.
We are away celebrating SI’s birthday today ( yesterday supposingly but then since 1st Jan is always a public Holiday, we choose this date ). daughter is just embraced her 2nd birthday yesterday but today she is 3 years old ( if follow the year) ??
Not to forget my new layout. Headache thinking of which should I choose and not to mention, I hate the time consumed to change it.. Because I am not pro..yang senang jadi susah, hilang segala..Slowly I'll decorate it okey !! Enjoy the new view
9 hours ago
13 sharing:
selamat tahun baru.
Cantik dah layout baru ni. Mirah jugak yg nak tukar tak sempat nak godek buat. Sebenarnya risau malas nak setting semua sekali nanti. Tapi, akan kucuba juga suatu hari nanti. Hihi..
happy new year :)
wah..dh berwajah baru. rajinnya tukar layout
selamat tahun pun jenoh...amik masa..dah la kita ni kureng skit bab2 ni...
Ibu Arifa
happy new year to u too.
tak rajin, tapi dah bosan.dan bersempena tahun baru, tu pun pilih yg simple..kalau ikutkan nak juga la yg kaler maler bagai, ceria , tapi pilih ini je la..maleh nak berkisah
sempat lagi ko tacap umah ko dayah...cayalah...aku jgn haraplah nak buat smur tu...hikss
slmt thn baru
aku tak la tere tacap...skit2 je..sekurang2nya aku rajin lebih skit dari hang..hahaha
cun layout baru...
bila la nak jumpa hang lgi ni??kndri kauthar perhaps???hihihi
aku suka jugak layout baru hang..bunga2an dan colorful, tapi tu lah..aku terchoose layout..hentam sajala labu...
kauthar dah nak kenduri..?? congrats.
lawa umah baru...selamat taun baru...
Huds...tkasih...slmt thn baru gakk..
dayah layout kamoo cantik sgt.....aku jeles betul time consuming la it will takes few hours.....hehe nanti2 la bile aku free akan ku tukar layout ku jugak!!!hepi new year...
dayah dear,
i looooooooove your new layout! aku mmg suke base putih. sungguh eye-friendly dan kemas! (gaye mcm ade blog sendiri). :D
Mama 'Ifwat...
thank you so much...hang bila nak ada blog..surely hang punya blog lagi cantik..hg kan kretip byk...teringat buku tazkirah hang masa dulu yg sgt ceria
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