I was listening to IKIM.fm on my way back home yesterday. Tuesday evening’s slot is a talk given by Dr. Arif from UKM regarding Quran and Science. Couples of slot previously was discussing about al-Quran, ayah in Quran,numbering in Quran, how it was arranged , how it’s relate to science so on and so forth.
Dr.Arif did shared with ‘Mustami’unal kiraam”-pinjam perkataan DJ Muna Jazman utk slot Haaiya bil ‘Arabiah on experience of Mualaf from West . How did they discover and attracted to Islam by reading/studying Quran .
Since I was quite late off from office, I managed to listen halfway. Interesting part was, yesterday Dr. Arif talked about breastfeeding by quoting ayah in Quran and he elaborated on it when I turned the radio on. Am not sure what is the topic about as I did not listen from beginning but I believe is breastfeeding is a part of point of his topic. Further he also elaborated on aurah and some other fiqh related ayah
Am afraid my writing here is not 100% as his words , but I try my best to recall.So any reader that listened to him yesterday or have knowledge about it , kindly correct me if mistaken
He took ayah from Surah Luqman (15)
"Dan Kami perintahkan kepada manusia (berbuat baik) kepada dua orang ibu-bapaknya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dalam keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah, dan menyapihnya dalam dua tahun. Bersyukurlah kepada-Ku dan kepada dua orang ibu bapakmu, hanya kepada-Kulah kembalimu."
And another ayah from Surahtul ahQaaf (14)
"Kami perintahkan kepada manusia supaya berbuat baik kepada dua orang ibu bapaknya, ibunya mengandungnya dengan susah payah, dan melahirkannya dengan susah payah (pula). Mengandungnya sampai menyapihnya adalah tiga puluh bulan, sehingga apabila dia telah dewasa dan umurnya sampai empat puluh tahun ia berdoa: "Ya Tuhanku, tunjukilah aku untuk mensyukuri nikmat Engkau yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaku dan kepada ibu bapakku dan supaya aku dapat berbuat amal yang saleh yang Engkau ridai; berilah kebaikan kepadaku dengan (memberi kebaikan) kepada anak cucuku. Sesungguhnya aku bertobat kepada Engkau dan sesungguhnya aku termasuk orang-orang yang berserah diri".
Both surah stated about breastfeed. In surah Luqman, weaning in 2 years time while in Surahtul Ahqaaf, the carrying of the child to his weaning is a period of 30 months.
Jom buat matematik sikit
Carrying child + Breastfeed = 30 months
x + 24 months = 30 months
x = 30 months – 24 months
= 6 months
X = pregnancy only 6 months? Orientalist might use this to say that Quran is wrong. All the while we know that pregnant is ~9months.
But Allah is Great ! He want us to study deeper and matsalleh specialist already prove from their research that if a baby was delivered after his/her 6 months old in the womb, provided with extra care for premature baby, the baby will able survive and alive. That is why in Western country ( I can’t recall which country Dr.Arif was referring to), for any abortion is must less than 6 months
This is only some point of his talk. He even elaborated more .
Another point from him is specifically about breast milk (BM).
Surah Al-Baqarah (223)
"Para ibu hendaklah menyusukan anak-anaknya selama dua tahun penuh, yaitu bagi yang ingin menyempurnakan penyusuan. Dan kewajiban ayah memberi makan dan pakaian kepada para ibu dengan cara yang makruf. Seseorang tidak dibebani melainkan menurut kadar kesanggupannya. Janganlah seorang ibu menderita kesengsaraan karena anaknya dan juga seorang ayah karena anaknya, dan waris pun berkewajiban demikian. Apabila keduanya ingin menyapih (sebelum dua tahun) dengan kerelaan keduanya dan permusyawaratan, maka tidak ada dosa atas keduanya. Dan jika kamu ingin anakmu disusukan oleh orang lain, maka tidak ada dosa bagimu apabila kamu memberikan pembayaran menurut yang patut. Bertakwalah kepada Allah dan ketahuilah bahwa Allah Maha Melihat apa yang kamu kerjakan."
The 2 years complete breastfeed is a guide not only for Muslim but to all human beings as Quran is “dustur’ (panduan) to all . Worldwide, WHO, international organization draw a line for a 6 month for exclusive breastfeed and to continue until 2 years for a complete cycle.
I remember my conversation with my boss ( a Chinese man) and another colleague on pregnancy , breastfeeding as my boss is expecting to be a daddy soon. He was asking me until when I’m gonna breastfeed my daughter. From his way of questionning, I tried to analyze that he might think different race/religion might have different “timeline”. Confidently I said “2 years” ( dalam hati berdoa agar dipermudahkan usaha dan diperbanyakkan rezeki susu utk anakku ). He told that he and his wife was briefed the same thing ( 2 years) by a nurse during attending antenatal class . So we are singing the same song boss ! Yeahhh !
Back to Dr. Arif explanation :
There is a research from matsalleh country ( u may want to contact Dr. Arif for further details of the research ) on breastmilk sample from a 0 day of (BM) until 40 months BM that was taken from a nursing mother . 1cm3 of each sample is being studied on the nutrient and a chart was plotted.
These scientist discovered that content of carbohydrate in BM is the most at the age of 20months while after 24 months, the content starts to drop and dropping further. Of course there are abundance nutrients inside BM than cannot be challenged by any formula milk but Dr. Arif only hilited this part
For those who go and study only able to know why Quran said weaning is after 24 months. There must be a reason for a thing to happen. Allah knows the best and always give the best. MasyaAllah… Appreciate those scientist that working hard in their research sometimes for years to support the truth. They are coming from various of ethnic and religion . Wahai diri yg mengaku Muslim ni bila nak kaji Quran..??
P/S : You can personally email to Dr. Arif to get access to his blog for more interesting discovery about Quran/Islam and Science . He is on air for IKIM every Tues about 6pm.
Ummu Imtiyaz
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