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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Boss and Breastfeed

My boss is recently been blessed with a baby boy.. 4.15kg !! Fuyyyoo ! I can see the happiness and cheerfulness on his face as this is his 1st child. My boss is a very hardworking employee..work..work..work and only get married at mid-30. after 2 years ++ waiting , finally he become a daddy!

It has been a week since the baby arrived. Everyday come to work, there must be story about his dearest baby… He is very excited when telling me about his son’s progress. I spice up the conversation by asking how is Chinese’s confinement style. What the wife consume and not to forget about breastfeeding (BF).

He started to talk to me about having a baby since Raya 2008. We ate together at one of my colleague’s open house . He seems interested to know bout having a baby . That time the wife haven’t conceive yet. Asking me about who is taking care my daughter , about BF and even asking me when am I planning for no .2 child..Wah…not so soon boss ( that time la)

We were chatting on babysitter’s pay which now is increasing especially for Chinese community, about spending on diaper and milk. I just came out with statement

“Luckily I no need to spend on formula milk”.

Then his face become soo curious as if in his mind asking “why?’

Then after few seconds he realized that I am exclusively BF my daughter and nodded his head ( I got his permission first for escaping to nursing room, that is why he got it quickly ) , U can read some of my conversation with him in this entry.

The wife who work in the same company with us also been inspired by her counterpart who is also my pumping-mate. Both of us are encouraging this couple to support BF. The wife initially was attracted on how BF can save $$ (as the husband is working hard driving cost saving project- and me as ‘mangsa’ execute the project -of cos the husband will agree ) . But I keep reminded her, the whole idea of BF is not about saving . Is more than that .

When she gave birth , I was away from office. My boss texted me via SMS announcing the arrival of the baby. I congratulate him and my last sentence is of cos to remind him to support the wife to BF . As the wife gone thru a c-zer, she may need more support .

Yesterday morning as usual, he told me about his son’s story He told me that his son drink a lot. 3 oz for a week-old baby . Oho..my mind tells me that is a FM . If BF how can he knows is a 3oz without pumping out ? I think my boss suspect that I was thinking about FM. Then he admit, they mix with FM as the wife still weak and painful due to c-zer .

Today, while buzy doing work, suddenly he turned and asked me ?

“ Do u know is Similac good or not?”

I paused wondering about what is Similac related to my work. Oh…my boss is not asking me bout work related stuff but about FM !

“ Oh, am not sure la F…” I never buy FM before” ( dalam hati berkata ‘boss, I am not the right person for you to refer with regards to FM lahh..)

The he started to tell me about this person recommend S26, that person recommend x brand. He has a big tin of S26 in house. I just not in favor to continue the conversation but due to he was asking for opinion and he’s my boss , I just told him what I know. And my answer is very bodoh one.

“I am not sure which one is good but some of engineers here giving their baby with Enfa milk. ( This is fact that I got thru chit chatting ). Even richer employee buy PediaSure ( yes, this is was told to me by one of Mummy Manager who bought Pediasure for her child). Isomil also good..( I dunno I just guess)..”

Jawapan yang sangat tak membantu. I mean I really no idea but trying to help. I just quote the price as a measure, the more expensive the better lah kot! Sorry boss. Seems like he didn’t satisfied.

Untuk ambik hati I continue…

"Look at how your baby poop..Ok or not ? Kembung or not ? Each babies differ to each other. S2 6might not good to you but ok to other."

Then he said that they are monitoring that.Our conversation stopped there and I continue working..

Am I loosing my passion to promote BF to him??? I hope not.

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13 sharing:

Emma said...

chinese ke melayu ke india ke, semua sama.. bukan sbb culture, tp samada ada keazaman tu kuat ke x utk bf...

like myself, ofismate i chinese.. dia lg eager nak cd baby dia dr bf nie.. tp lucky dia rajin surf, so dia tau la benefit bf nie.. & she turn to me for any question.. hehe.. i kasi number LC, dia xmo.. dia kata i dah tau byk.. haha.. byk la sgt tu *wink wink*

kalau i kat tmp u, i mayb akan redirect question tu ke org lain.. sbb takut kalau2 jawapan i nnt ada bias pulak.. haha..

-mama emma-

Mommy Harith Hannah said...

Mesti serba salah kan? Seb baik, Dayah dpt handle situasi tue dgn baik. There a some pro-BFing moms yg kalau org tanya pasal FM, straight away fire orang tue, which is not a good practise, IMHO.

Saya ader 'failure BF experience' dgn Hakim dulu, so, kalau org tanya pasal FM, buleh gak jawab siket2. But still, I will advise them to put more efforts on BFing.

Rasanya, pasnih Dayah kena prepare laa possibility yg your boss akan refer dgn Dayah lagi. Seems like he has BIG trust in you. ;)

Farah said...

saya pon akan memberikan jawapan tidak memberansangkan utk org yg bertanya pasal susu formula sbb tak pernah bg sendiri kat afif..mase 2 hari pertama je afif merasa susu FM kat spital sbb susu saya tak kluar lg mase tu..hari ke 3 susu dah kluar terus saya tak bg2 dah FM..

Lady Qay said...

dayah, nak share psl susu...pediasure is for 0ne yr above..its better bgi pd bdk yang mmg berat tak naik atau tak mo mkn but bnyak mnum susu so boleh la bg pediasure...

the rest of the Fm is sama je sbnrnya drpd segi cntent..
stipa brand ada premium package n ekonomic package..so boleh pilih...cthnya mcm lac**gen n N*n...tiap compny sllu ada dua pakej..so kalo susu yg ada tu Gold tu sllu premium la..biasa premium dia ada tmbhn DHA, EPA, bla bla..prebiotik watever sb tu dia lg mhal bnding yg susu yg murah..so actually the cntent in all susu hampir sama....so kalo org tnya psal prebiotik plak, u just bg tau..prebiotik is the fd for probiotik that is the good bact in the usus..so kalo fm biasa tmbh prebiotik sb nak galak good digestion , btter stools consistency bla bla bla...but sng je jwb, kalo BF tak pyh pk sume tu sb dlm susu ibu ada prebiotik yg bntu phdmn anak n its free....hehehehe

hope mbntu...

Lady Qay said...

dayah, nak share psl susu...pediasure is for 0ne yr above..its better bgi pd bdk yang mmg berat tak naik atau tak mo mkn but bnyak mnum susu so boleh la bg pediasure...bwh 1 thun takle bg sb sodium n osmolarity sume higher tk ssi utk infant..

the rest of the Fm is sama je sbnrnya drpd segi cntent..
stiap brand ada premium package n ekonomic package..so boleh pilih...cthnya mcm lac**gen n N*n...tiap compny sllu ada dua pakej..so kalo susu yg ada tu Gold tu sllu premium la..biasa premium dia ada tmbhn DHA, EPA, bla bla..prebiotik watever sb tu dia lg mhal bnding yg susu yg murah..so actually the cntent in all susu hampir sama....so kalo org tnya psal prebiotik plak, u just bg tau..prebiotik is the fd for probiotik that is the good bact in the usus....so kalo fm biasa tmbh prebiotik sb nak galak good digestion , btter stools consistency bla bla bla...but sng je jwb, kalo BF tak pyh pk sume tu sb dlm susu ibu ada probiotik yg bntu phdmn anak n its free....hehehehe

qay sllu org or mak pt akan tnya Fm yg terbagus sb kita dietitian kan so kira konon2 expert la bab susu...qay citer je but in the end kita promote balik BF..so knowledge in Fm pun perlu jg sbnrnya spya kita BOLEH promote BF balik..hehehe

hope mbntu...hehehe

Sue.Aleen said...

Dayah... jadilah orang yang flexible. Promote BF ni macam dakwah la jugak. Ada orang kena dakwah cara keras, ada cara yang lembut. Kena berhikmah. Jika orang tak nak ikut kita, kita tak boleh paksa mereka.

If he doesn't want his son to be fed by BF, what can we do? And it doesn't mean if you promote FM, you lose your passion in promoting BF. This is about helping people right? Setiap orang tak sama dan bersikap individualistik.

Oh.. how I miss my Chinese boss too!

Hanz Jamaludin said...

reverse pulak kalau my story. me teruja & 'terganggu' masa anak no.1 dulu bila tengok Chinese mom boleh exclusive bf & even travelling sakan due to work. I kept asking myself, "how can they manage to do that?" pastu marah (nak motivate) kat diri sendiri coz tak nak sungguh2...pastu barulah kira berjaya lepas duk sibuk belajar n belajar....nasib baik masa tu Hanafi baru 7months kira tak terlambatlah daripada mixed feeding (about 4 months total) berjaya upgrade fully sehingga hampir 3 tahun.

Dayah @ Real Ummu said...

thx for sahring ur experience..sbb mastu borak tu tinggi kami dua org ja..so, saya jwb je la apa yg setakat yg sy tau...

tu la..wlaaupun kita pro BF, tapi ms jwb tu kena beringat la jugak, depa 1st timer ka so mesti byk tny...sekurang2nya saya cuba jwbkan kan wlauapun tak tepat...

Dayah @ Real Ummu said...

Qay si pakar diet..
thx so much for the sharing n info..dayah mmg blur la klu content FM ni, BM pun dayah taktau ada apa..yg dayah tau ada segala yg FM ada..malah lebih dari itu... heheh

masa dia tny FM tu takkan terus nak crita psl content BM kan..actually dia tau kebaikan BM, kandungan segala sbb dia dok p kelas antenatal tu ( eh btul ka cek eja..)

Dayah @ Real Ummu said...

terima kasih kerana mengingatkan saya tentang ini...Saya rasa bukan dia tanak anak dia diBF kan cuma mungkin kurang pendedahan dan kitorg kat ofis ni mengklasifikasikan wife dia ni sbg yg sggggt manja...nak senang ja..heheh , takbaik kan gosip psl bini boss...

bila wife ni awai2 semangat nak BF, ada je ckp2 "ala...sat ja tu, dia tu manja..n xmau susah.silap2 husband yg kena dok bancuh susu"

ampunkan aku Tuhan kerana gosip psl bini bossku

Dayah @ Real Ummu said...

a'a terbalik lak kita...good that u can motivate urself..bukan senang ooo.. BTW, thx for sharing ur exp

Unknown said...

hari tu my SIL (miela77), masa baby Qis baru 2 bulan++ , ada gak dia tanya, FM mana yg okay.. dia dok kata susu dia tak banyak..

so kakyong pun dok lah bg tips mcm2.. yer lah kakyong pun masa Aliya baru berjaya fully BF... masa tu pun nampak kesungguhan dia pun cam kureng jer...

tp 1 ler yg kakyong perasan pada diri sendiri (lately ni memang perasan tak sudah), sejak dpt anugerah fully BF ni, kalo boleh nak seme ibu2 yg baru bersalin susukan sendiri bb nyer... sbb dah ade mcm2 ikhtiar utk bykkan susu ibu kan..

memandang kan kat rumah masa tu ade 4 kotak stok s26 gold (ni dpt masa g cucuk imunisasi aliya).. so kakyong pun sedekah lah 2 kotak.. tak tau lah baby Qis minum atau tak, sbb lupa nak follow up..

tp rasa nya la ni dah on BM.. sejak kakyong soh dia belajar berblog & kenalkan dia dgn hayati si pumper tegar, nampak ade lah perubahan ke arah nak fully BF...

Dayah @ Real Ummu said...

bagus kakyong..walaupun kita bagi FM tu tapi kita tak lupa nasihatkan psl BF..sbb tak semua org ada kesedaran begitu cepat...ada yg anak 2-3, baru nak sedar kebaikkan nya...

galakan dari org sekeliling penting...kalau kita leh pomote BF mcm syarikat FM pomote FM depa...mesti senang skit urusan..hehheh