I was talking to a kindy teacher cum KAFA Ustazah one day.Actually I was interested to know how she started her career as Ustazah KAFA and then became a kindy teacher.So, this lady told me about all the courses, test, exam that she has gone thru while showing me all her certificates. She even received an offer to pursue 2 years advance course at Al-Azhar in 2000 but she rejected it due to she has 6 kids to take care of ( of course + a husband). Hehe.
Is not that easy for her and other Ustaz/Ustazah KAFA to be granted for this position ( pentauliahan) . The oral test is damn hard. If they, the guru KAFA said is hard, apatah lagi kita ni.. I remembered one of the test that she mentioned was she were asked to read 6 surah. That one ok la…
Then she needed to spell it out ( mengeja dalam bahasa Arab- Alif Fathah Lam sukun – Al, Ha fathahmim sukum –Ham, dal dommah –Du..Alhamdu…) without any paper to write and just spell it out in the air. Is not stopped there. lots of fardhu ‘ain tricky questions tested . There are only 4 candidates per day. Can you imagine, how long per one interview session ? Some came out from the room in tears, some speechless.
All these procedure is to make sure that our country produce good Ustaz KAFA so that our next generations will be great . My kindy time, we are not exposed to this KAFA class but some states like Selangor and Kedah have started with the class. Since I don’t have very young sibling, I am not aware when actually government emphasize on KAFA class.
Back to this ustazah’s story. She is a very strict yet loving teacher. One day, there was a mother who planned to pull out his son from KAFA class. The reason was, the son’s English score was terrible. She planned to send the son to English tuition.
This Ustazah said , she had no problem with the idea but with ‘satu syarat’..aisehh..main syarat pulak …
Ustazah : “Satlagi puan balik, tiap2 hari masuk RM10 dalam tabung”
Mother : “Awat pulak nak masuk tabung RM10 Ustazah
Ustazah : “ Ingat pesan saya ni,masuk dalam tabung sepanjang puan hidup”
The mother still blur. Same goes to me. When I listen, I have no idea why
Ustazah: “Bila puan mati esok-esok, suruh anak puan pecah tabung ni,bayar orang mai mengaji utk mayat puan”
Ustazah : “Saya kata ni bukan apa..anak puan tak boleh mengaji elok2 lagi. Kalau stop , sampai bila pun dia tak buleh baca.kalau dia mengaji dah elok, dah pandai..saya pun tak halang
The mother quickly said that she wanted her son to remain in this KAFA class. But Ustazah who already feel ‘ tak syiok’ just informed the mother that she would not accept the son again and asked her to send to another KAFA if she wish to.
Me, totally silence after listening to the story. ……..
Maybe to some parents KAFA is not as important as English, Science and Math subject. Perhaps most of them realize the essential of ‘ilmu agama’ but still taking the school subject more seriously . If the kids failed those subject, chance for them to enter university is slim or no chance at all. Consequently they do not get a better job and do not earn much ( This is Poor Dad’s way of thinking in “Rich Dad Poor Dad” )
But how about KAFA? Is there anybody sending their kids to tuition for subject Pendidikan Islam ? How many of parents do revise and check on our childrens’ amalan .
I am just throwing this idea so we can think about it together . I am neither at Ustazah nor the mother's side and not blaming any parents because each of us know what is the best for our children. But the story I wrote here hopefully is beneficial for us to take a PAUSE and THINK for the sake of our childrens’ future and our destiny .
I have a long journey to go with my family and I am afraid of doing mistake in between it.
Ya Allah, bantulah daku , bimbinglah daku dalam mengharungi kehidupan ini..
1 day ago
15 sharing:
ohh tajamnyer kata2 ustazah itu .. tp mmg ade btolnyer ... harte plg besor bg kita ialah anak yg soleh yg dpt mendoakan kita bile kita sudah tiada d muka bumi ni ...
anak sulung Hanie pun baru bace Iqra' lg..alhmdllh dh iqra' 4..target nk dia ngaji Quran sebelum/semasa darjah 1 ... mudah2anlah...
mak aiiii..kalau aku pun terkedu wijd... terima kasih coz share the story with us....kat sini apa yg aku perasan la..tapi maybe gak ada yang tak wat ialah anak2 org kaya pun attend jgk la KAFA tu...pagi sekolah kebangsaan...petang sekolah agama...pastu upah ustaz/ustazah dtg umah lak ajar mengaji...dlm hati aku alhamdulilah ada gak org kaya ni kesedaran bab-bab ni....
mmg kata2 ustazah tu agak tajam, tp mmg ada kebenaran kan kata2 tu. kita ni kdg dok fikir nak anak kita kuasai bhasa inggeris tanpa fikir yg didikan agama tu penting. mmg tak dinafikan, tnpa pengetahuan dlm bhsa inggeris tu, anak2 susah nak further study. tp bak kata ustazah tu, kita kena seimbangkan dunia dan akhirat. ye tak?
daku slalu berdoa agar berjaya didik anak2 dgn ilmu dunia dan akhirat. jgn ada kekurangan...
pergh...saya respek ustazah tu..berani btol die...
mmg normal la tu..tuition beratus2 boleh anto..kelas mengaji 10 inggit plak susah nak pergi..
i hv a good fren yg cnvert to islam..dia hntr ank dia msuk sklh abim, blaja arab sume..sb dia nk ank dia ada ilmu agma wpun dia sndri tk pki tdg n phytn tk brapa ok..at least dia ada ksdrn..tp yg mmg2 islam dr awal, ksdrn kurg kdg2..
btul..harta kita adalah anak2..bukannya wang ringgit emas permata utk dibawa mati...kalau anak takktau apa2, sapa nak doakan kita, sedekahkan al-fatih
btul, ada org siap panggil in-person mai ngajaq kat umah..tapi tu byq mahai skit kot..hehehe
kkdg mak ayah tak sempat nak tengok..ada duit panggil je la ustaz mai umah..skrg makayah pun dah kurang skil nak ajaq anak sendiri..dulu semua ngaji di tgn mak aje..skg semua ngaji kat tgn org..
comment yg perlukan penjelasan,..apsal ko stop takat tu je..berceramah la skit..
tajam tapi itulah kebenarannya.noga kita sama2 dpt mendidik anak kita menjadi yg terbaik baik dunia n akhirat
cikgu tuisyen kita menjawab..heheh.kalau home tuition lagi tinggi bayarannya kan !
tkhs for sharing/..ye la...kkdg depa mual lagi tinggi kesedaran...mmg betui2 dpt HIDAYAH...
kat KL ni orang berlumba nak anak score math, sc + english and some ada juga yang anto anak pi main piano! heck! wat pa main piano...
KAFA memang banyak jugak. tapi yang tak syioknya tu kan.. terbeban semua kat atas batu jemala para guru. kalo silap sket, guru yang dipersalahkan.
dalam forum tempat tinggal akak ni bebaru ni sekolah rendah ada buat sesi perjumpaan guru-ibu bapa. anak depa ni baru darjah 1. mak pak dia dok tanya soklan kat cikgu makan masa 40 minit. padahal mak pak lain pun nak jugak jumpak cikgu. kena q lama. tolerate la sket ngan orang lain. anak hangpa tu baru ja masuk sekolah.
banyak duit, educated tapi anak sendiri beban kat orang lain soh ajaq.. duhhh.. moga Allah swt bantu kita semua dalam mendidik anak² kita sendiri..
terima kasih atas komen yang panjanglebar and kisah benar di atas..
mak2 sekarang mungkin buleh diistilahkan sebagai 'kiasu' kot noo...orgh len hantaq p tuisyen mahai2, kita pun nak...
tambah2 yg byk duit, panggil ja cikgu mai umah..susah apa..
baru nak belek entry ni...
sungguh beri kesedaran...baru dok sebut hang jadi ustazah...
tima kasih mengingatkan tentang membaca quran yg kadang2 parent dok ingat x berape penting...
kdg2 parent ni dok ingat tentang ilmu dunia je...tp yg penting bekalan akhirat jugak..seboleh-bolehnye biarlah seimbang...
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