Monday afternoon, my colleagues and I pay a visit to our ex-colleague who just came back from umrah.
My ex-colleague called it Kak A actually was on medical board and discontinue her service due to health problem. She was detected to have a breast cancer stage 4 at late 2006 and had gone thru an operation to remove one of her B. Mid-2007, she came back working as normal . I’d say she is a very strong and high motivation lady. As we know, cancer patient must have high motivation and ‘kuat semangat’ for them to survive. Of course ajal maut is Allah’s direction but as a human, what we can do is to usaha, doa and tawakal.
We were shocked with another news end of 2007 where the cancer cell spreaded to her brain. And this time is really a hard time for her and the family. She kind of lost her memory and on and off had ‘kancing gigi’. And now she likes a baby that need help to walk, to eat. But she able to talk slowly but seems like she forgot lots of things.
We regularly visit to know her progress and help to recall her memory. Sometimes, she needs her ex-officemate to chit chat with her so that she would remember she worked before and talked about office related stuff after spending so much time with family
She like a sister to me that always advise and guide me in the first year of my working journey. Is not only about work, she shares her experience in life, how she gone thru life from small until now, having a happy family and blessed with 3 kids. She is a very cheerful person,. Always laughing and positive. She is very good at cooking and sewing. And good at decorating house . She always looks pretty and presentable at any time. I admire her motherly when she with her family and her leadership when she is at work.
I once thought that she is very lucky married to a rich guy that can pampered her with material. She likes jewelry and have loads of it. She build a big nice bungalow.When I asked her bout this she said life is not like a bed of roses at the beginning. His husband is nobody at first. Marrying her when he was only a clerk while Kak A holding a degree. Her earning is even higher than the husband. Then the husband further study taking a degree and continue with master. During the husband was studying, she sacrificed a lot. Renting a small house with only one room . I would say she sacrifice in order to support the husband study and growing kids.
And the bungalow house they have now is sharing with the husband but her share is the biggest. I can still remember her words to me
“Bukan kawin2, dok umah besaq macam ni..simpan duit lama baru leh merasa dok macam ni. Kak A pulun simpan duit, dengan husband dok mengaji, anak lagi.Mula2 pakai keta 2nd hand ja”
And today looking at her pale , weak face, skinny body.I just cannot stand. I use to see her everyday full of joyousness. She is very lucky having a loving husband , kids and both her family and in-laws. I can see the sincerity in her husband’s eye taking care of a sick wife that sacrifice a lot during her healthy day. Now is time for the husband to ‘pay’. The kids seems to understand. But Kak A did told me the elder daughter who turn 16 this year cried non-stop when she first discover about her mother breast cancer. She managed to get 8A’s in last PMR even though looking after her mother. I see her grow matured compare to other 16 years-old cheeky girl
And the 12 year-old and 7 year-old son, I yet to deeply read their mind/heart. I believe they started to understand their mother’s condition.
Every time coming back from visiting her, I always wondering and thinking. We never knows what gonna happen in future. If I were to be at Kak A’s place, I don’t know what to say , at time your are doing well in your career, living happily with your husband and kids. Murah rezeki and when Allah want it to be ‘ Kun fayakun’. Nobody can stop it.
Bayangkan jika kita terlalu tumpu kepada urusan duniawi’ and KIV ‘urusan ukhrawi’. Kalau tak KIV pun, kita still buat bekalan ukt akhirat , adakah kita bersungguh2 melakukannya sebagaimana kita bersungguh2 ‘mengejar’ apa yang manusia perlu ada di dunia yang fana ini. Takut utk difikirkan tapi kita tak buleh tidak untuk membiarkan kerana di ‘
Am sure we have been listening to “ Bekerja mencari rezeki seperti hendak hidup bertahun2 lagi, beribadat seperti kamu akan mati keesokkan hari.”
Dengarlah wahai hati …
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Orang kata, jika kamu mengejar dunia maka dunia akan lari. Tetapi jika kamu mengejar akhirat , dunia akan mengejar kamu.
tabahnye kakak tu......harap2 segala urusan kakak A tu dipermudahkan..
Setiap manusia dibebani ujian yang berbeza yang sesuai dengan kemampuan si penerima. Berat bagi kita sebenarnya lebih berat kak A yang memikul ujian itu. Moga dia diberikan ganjaran kesabaran atas apa yang berlaku kepadanya.
And listen to the signal from your body too. Kadang badan dah bagi signal tapi kita sering menafikan.. Bila kita dapat tahu tentang 'sesuatu' mungkin saja ia dah terlambat.
thanks dayah for sharing this beautiful story...
setuju sgt , kita tak tahu apa bakal berlaku pd kita pada esok hari & masa depan... kdg2 bila memikirkannya jd takut sgt...
bersediakah kalo daku ditimpa musibah sedemikian... ish tak berani nak pk...
Ibu Addin Nasa
psal kita nampak apayg ada kat dunia ni, nikmat segala..sbb tu dok ligan..yg nikmat akhirat tak nampak sb tu kot kita cam abaikan
yup..Kak A sgt tabah...kita yg kdg2 tengok ni nak nangis... tapi mungkin juga dia sembunyikan kesedihan dia..kita tak tau kan..
terima kasih atas peringatan
Kita diberi ujian setimpal krana Allah tahu kemampuan kita..dan sebenarnya ujian tu bertuah bukannya bala kerana kerana Allah sayang sbb tu kita diuji..kalau hidup kita ni senang ja...tak pernah menghadapi saat sukar,semua molek belaka sebenarnya itu yg patut kita risaukan
kita tak berani kan kalau kena pikir yg buruk berlaku di masa depan..kerana kita sentiasa mengharapkan yg baik belaka...
sementara nikmat sihat, bahagia yg Allah pinjamkan ni, kita manfaatkan sebaik mungkin dan salurkan ke arah yg boleh menolong kita 'kelak'
Wijdan aka dayah...
teramatlah respect kat kakak ni...
semoga dia beroleh kecekalan yang berpanjangan..amin
ths for the first comment kat sini..aku dah pun mengomen di blog hang...
tu la..aku tak sngka begini perjalan hidup dia..yg aku kenai dia masa 2-3 tahun lepas, amatlah energetik n ceria..tapi ms sakit2 ni pun, bila kita dok borak, sakat dia..dia buat jugak lawak cam dolu2...
kami salu2 kan menziarah dia tanda sokongan dan bila ziarah dia ni sekurang2 memberi keinsafan kpd aku yg lalai ni...langit tak selalu cerah..maka bersiap sedia la apa2 yg patut...
terharu membaca kisah akak tu. semoga dia dan family terus tabah dgn dugaan dan cabaran di dunia ni...
byk benda yg kita blh ambik iktibar dr kisah ni kan? kita yg sihat ni pon ntah bila2 masa je Dia nak ambik nikmat sihat tu...
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