How long are you spending your time at office ? I guess most of our working our is a normal 8 am to 5pm or 8.30am to 5.30pm or 9am to 6pm. More or less. There are shift people who work 7am – 7pm ( 12 hours shift ). Some is 8am – 3pm , 7am – 2pm . Some even odd hours like certain banking sector, global service support where they have to follow the country’s time they are supporting .
This is our solid working time. Yet to calculate over time ( pay and volunteer ), our travelling time from home-office-home inclusive traffic jam. How long we have been spending time out from home and our children ? If we want to really calculate, we spend more time outside home and away from our children. In a week, we probably have solid ~48hours ( on weekend ) and fews hours on working day before go to bed to spend with our family.
I do not know. Maybe some of Full Time Working Mom ( FTWM) spend more time at home with family rather than outside working. Perhaps it is because, her working time is short, workplace is walking distance ? How about teachers. They may fall into this category ? with looooongg school holiday.Any teachers can answer me ?
Anyone can clock in sharp 8 and leave of on the dot -5pm ? I wish I can be like you.
Let me tell you a bit about my time spend away from home. I travel about 40min to work. Spend minimum 9.33 hours ( 9hours and 20minute is our official working hours. What’s the heck with 20minutes , huh! ). Most of the time I spend 9hours and 45minits at office ( extra free 25minutes contribute to company ).
Travelling back again 40 min ( this is normal condition without jam) . For cases like accident, car breakdown middle of the bridge, it can drag to 1 hour. Total, I am spending min 11 hours outside !
24hrs – 11hrs (working) = 13hours
13hrs – 6-7 hrs ( sleeping) = 7hrs.
7hours at home with family.! I never feel I have this 7 hours . Pung pang-pung pang tunggang terbalik kat dapur dengan kerja-kerja rumah yang lain, dengan sikecik SI sorang ni. I am breathless sometime.
And recently , we receive an email from our top management saying that we have to observe the 9.33hours working time and random checking on compliance of working time will be carried out regularly.
On top of the email, our HOD expectation is for us to work minimum 10 hours . Ooowhhh.
If you are in my shoe, what do you do ?
a) Patuh dan bekerja 10jam ( padahal not everyday ada banyak keja yang perlu distayback sebegitu rupa, saya tengok orang lain menyembang ja, surfing ja to kill the time)
b) Buat macam biasa as long as meet the 9.33hours with some extra minutes
c) Any other option ? etc cari keja lain..??
I do agree, some of us really buzy with worklife , be a key person and handle critical project/ process and have to stayback to finish it up. He cannot afford to leave on time.
I will say this is my company’s culture, sapa balik lewat dia rajin, banyak keja dan dipromote cepat. Balik awai tadak keja
For me, I have tons of work to do at home and I have to balance up my life, I don’t have maid , I cook for my family and I take care of my family&house myself ( husband , daughter, father and brother).
I love my work but I don’t like this rule. 9.33hours pun dah cukup menyeksakan.
I was thinking what is the best answer if I were to ask, why I can’t work for 10hours.
Can I say this way
“Since like our organization is aggressively driving cost saving project, I have come out a project to save our company cost, I think I should apply the same in my family. I BF my daughter-no need to buy milk, I cook for my family- no need to buy meal outside and I do housechore myself-no need to hire maid. Save is it ! That is why my after 9.33hours is for home.
But I know the chance of boss to ask such question is slim but they will do such a way will impact your performance evaluation.p/s: bukan kita berkira nak kerja lebih masa,selama ni pun dah terlebih-lebih, kita very flexible. Kekadang kena meeting after 7, conduct briefing night shift pun kita mai. is just kalau dah company kata 9.33 hr tu , understood la. kenapa pulak nak request utk dept kita kena stay for 10hours
-bukan pekerja favorite boss-
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Berapa jam anda bekerja sehari?

Monday, August 24, 2009
Andai ini Ramadhan terakhir..
Alhamdulillah...sekali lagi kita akan dipertemukan dengan bulan yang penuh rahmat dan barakah..
Alhamdulillah..di saat ni, kita masih dipanjangkan usia, dalam nikmat Iman dan Islam untuk bertemu dengan nya
Saya masih ingat kata2 arwah mama saya pada puasa 2006.Ketika itu saya sangat mengantuk dan mengajaknya mama pulang seusai 8 rakaat solat tarawikh. Bukan hari itu saja, hari-hari lain pun saya hanya terdaya untuk buat 8 rakaat saja.Kekadang kalau mengantuk sangat, saya tertido dalam kereta sementara menunggu arwah habiskan 21 rakaatnya. Arwah seringkali memarahi saya.saya orang muda ( ketika itu belum berkahwin ), tentu lebih kuat dan lapang untuk terus beribadah. Asyik mengantuk saja..Dan bila saya seolah-olah 'paksa' arwah untuk "jom balikla mama"..apa yang diungkapkan arwah...
"Mama takut ini Ramadhan mama yang terakhir"
Dan benar kata-kata arwah. itulah Ramadhan terakhir buatnya...
Buat sahabatku di luar sana...
Saya percaya dalam hati kita, kita berazam untuk merebut pahala ramadhan, melakukan amal ibadah sebanyak mungkin dan seikhlas mungkin. setiap kali Ramadhan, itulah yang kita inginkan...
Sebagai manusia...bila mana saja kita diuji, dengan kesibukkan dunia, karenah anak-anak,kemeriahan menyambut Syawal yang lebih dirasakan seawal Ramadhan, adakala kita alpa..kita lupa merebut 'jualan murah' yang Allah hamparkan buat kita dalam bulan yang mulia ini
Moga saya diberi kekuatan untuk mengabdikan diri lebih kepadaNya kerana saya ingin Ramadhan kali ini lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya dan saya juga takut andai kata Ramadhan ini terkahir untuk saya kerana sungguh saya amat dhaif.
Di kesempatan ini, saya dan keluarga ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan. Saya mendoakan agar sahabat-sahabat sekalian menjalani ibadah ini dengan sempurna. Moga ke atas anda semua segala kebaikan yang Allah janjikan di bulan yang barokah ini.Hidupkanlah Ramadhan kita kali ini dengan puasa, memperbanyakkan amalan wajib&sunat dan sentiasa bersedekah…
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Yatie Chomeyl's Give Away-Kisses Of Love
Bila tau saja Yatie Chomeyl buat giveaway pasal Kisses Of Love, di mana meletakkan gambaq cium pipi, lantas saya teringat beberapa gambar SI yang dicium pipinya oleh abi.Malangnya bila digodek-godek, takde pulak gambar ummi yang cium SI.
Berangan nak slowly buat entry pasal contest ni sbb due dia lambat lagi .tapi bila online malam ni, tengok-tengok si Yatie ni dah percepatkan tarikh tutup pulak atas sebab-sebab tertentu. boleh baca update terbaru Yatie di sini.
Makanya saya terpaksa rempit mengodek gambar berkenaan dan otak saya ligat berfikir apa yang akan saya ceritakan tentang gambar itu.
*Arrggghh..geli la misai abi*
Ummi ingat lagi waktu tu, abi sangat excited.Almaklumlah anak pertama kan.Asyik dukung SI ke sana ke mari, asyik kiss SI setiap waktu. Pernah ummi tunjuk gambaq ni kat ofismate ummi, depa katanya.. excitement anak pertama..hehehe.
Saya harap dengan entry ini melayakkan saya join contest Pn Yatie kita. Peserta dah ramai giler..Sebab jarang menang contest,so ingin memeriahkan suasana dan membina ukhuwwah dengan Yatie...Walaupun kesuntukan masa menulis, harapnya saya dah memenuhi semua syarat agar penyertaan diterima ye Yatie...
Visit more to Yatie's update here
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Makan-makan sebelum Ramadhan
Harus saya menulis entry kali ini sebelum kita berpuasa ( ada beberapa jam lagi sebelum imsa’) dan jangan risau, tidak ada gambaq makanan yang difokuskan secara dekat untuk membuatkan anda terliur di bulan puasa ni.
Alhamdulillah, sepanjang 2 minggu sebelum berpuasa ni, ada saja jamuan dan orang belanja saya makan. Orang kita kan selalu kata, makan puas2 dekat puasa ni, nanti puasa tak boleh makan… tapi bab ibadat, kita nak tunggu Ramadhan baru nak buat ibadat banyak-banyak..di luar Ramadhan biasa2 saja…sebelum tu biasa-biasa saja kan !
Makan-makan marathon ni bermula pada
1)5 Aug 2009 (Rabu)
Hari yang saya menghadiri grooming kelas. Ada saya updatekan di sini. Mmg sedap sangat makan nak hujan pansa dengna lauk pauk ynag sedap
2) 8 Aug 2008 (Sabtu)
Hari raptai sempenan kedatangan Gabenor ke tempat kami. Kali ni kami makan apa yang akan dihidangkan masa lunch dhn Tun Yang Terutama (TYT). Kira trial la tu.
3) 10 Aug(Isnin)
Jamuan makan tengahari bersama TYT. Beriani kambing..kari ayam , daging, ayam ros, kerabu timun and kuah kacang..tak campur la pencuci mulut.Fuhhhh! Cerita pasal acara ni di sini
*khusyu'nya depa dok baca tahlil*
Dept makan2. Boss belanja sempena bonus baru2 ni. Lokasi PakHussin Tomyam . Menu tomyam campur,Ayam gajus, Ayam mango, kerabu pelam, Kalan ikan masin, Siakap tiga rasa ( Dilla wajib tau ni, dekat umah ja..)
Saya pulang ke kampong sebab mak-mak menakan buat kenduri baacan yassin and tahlil & sambut puasa kat rumah peninggalan arwah tok. Menu : Gulai nangka, ayam masak merah,ikan talang masin, daging masak hitam, ulam-ulaman
7) 19 Aug (Rabu)
8) 20 Aug (Khamis)
Makan besar with lunchmate..Kali ni my treat. Kami pekena Kari Kepala Ikan kat Pen Mutiara..perggghhh… kepala ikan, tinggal tadak kepala. Siakap tiga rasa and kerabu pelam
Ooo..cukupla setakat itu kisah makan-makan saya…
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Influenza A(H1N1) and Feeding your Baby: What Parents Should Know
Original Q&A is from here
Thanks Mama 'Ifwat for this info
What is this new influenza A(H1N1) virus?
This influenza A(H1N1) virus (previously known as “swine flu”) was first detected in people in April 2009 in the United States. This virus is spreading from person-to-person, probably in much the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses spread.
What can I do to protect my baby?
Take everyday precautions. In addition, take extra care to wash your hands often with soap and not to cough or sneeze in the baby’s face while feeding your baby, or any other time you and your baby are close. If you are ill, or coughing and sneezing, consider wearing a mask.
Does breastfeeding protect babies from this new flu virus?
There are many ways that breastfeeding and breast milk protect babies’ health. Since this is a new virus, we don’t know yet about specific protection against it. Mothers pass on protective antibodies to their baby during breastfeeding. Antibodies are a type of protein made by the immune system in the body. Antibodies help fight off infection.
Flu can be very serious in young babies. Babies who are not breastfed get sick from infections like the flu more often and more severely than babies who are breastfed.
Should I stop breastfeeding my baby if I think I have come in contact with the flu?
No. Because mothers make antibodies to fight diseases they come in contact with, their milk is custom-made to fight the diseases their babies are exposed to as well. This is really important in young babies when their immune system is still developing. Breastfeeding also helps the baby to develop his own ability to fight off diseases.
Is it ok to breastfeed my baby if I am sick?
Yes. This is really important.
* Do not stop breastfeeding if you are ill. Ideally babies less than about 6 months of age should get their feedings from breast milk. Breastfeed early and often. Limit formula feeds as much as possible. This will help protect your baby from infection.
* If you are too sick to breastfeed, pump and have someone give the expressed milk to your baby.
If my baby is sick, is it okay to breastfeed?
Yes. One of the best things you can do for your sick baby is keep breastfeeding.
* Do not stop breastfeeding if your baby is ill. Give your baby many chances to breastfeed throughout the illness. Babies who are sick need more fluids than when they are well. The fluid babies get from breast milk is better than anything else, even better than water or juice because it also helps protect your baby’s immune system.
* If your baby is too sick to breastfeed, he or she can drink your milk from a cup, bottle, syringe, or eye-dropper.
Is it okay to take medicine to treat or prevent influenza A(H1N1) while breastfeeding?
Yes. Mothers who are breastfeeding should continue to nurse their babies while being treated for the flu.
Temperature Scanner - H1N1issue
If you have read my entry on H1N1 vaccine here , alhamdulillah, all these 3 people are healthy. Recently we have one suspected case and he was asked to stay at home . This is due to long fever ( tak kebah-kebah)and some other alike H1N1 symptom . I was told that he got it from PC Fair last 2 weeks. PC Fair @ PISA is well known of its damn crowded! And a few people that work closely with him is instructed to go back too .
Face mask is a common item at my work place and is daily used. With current condition , face mask is not only can bee seen at designated work area but everywhere in our office. People come and go, walk here and there with face mask. Well, benda free, baik pakai for protection. Moreover, the person who incharge of supplying face mask is just sitting behind my cub...anytime can ask from her :)
Our Env, Health and Safety dept worlwide is working hard, seriously and closely to update the employee with info regarding H1N1. Well, with 45k over employee, any chance , anyone of us can be infected. Nau'zubillahiminzalik. The latest email received this afternoon was as below :
p/s: sama-sama berdoa agar negara bebas dari ancaman merbahaya ini segera dan kita sekeluarga, sahabat-handai, kaum kerabat dan seluruh rakyat amnya dilindungi...ameen..
amalkan langkah2 pencegahan seperti sentiasa mencuci tangan dengan bersih dan elakkan berada di tempat sesak.mari sama-sama amalkan
Friday, August 14, 2009
Cinta Ipar
Tadi selesai tengok crita NurKasih ( seperti biasa dengan feelingnya ), di penghujung cerita, Adam menduga Aidil, seperti ingin tahu adakah abangnya itu masih sukakan isterinya Nur Amina. Jelas riak di wajah Aidil yang dia masih sayangkan Nur tapi dek kerana Nur tu masih isteri Adam, maka tak patut sangatla Aidil menunjukkan dengan ketara harapan untuk dia mendapatkan Nur.. saya rasa dalam hati Aidil mesti berdoa agar Adam melepaskan Nur sementelah Nur sendiri seolah-olah dah tak mau dengan Adam ( padahal dalam hati dia mesti suka kat Adam..almaklumlah dah minat dari kecik)..tapi tu la spoil mak depa sakit pulak..kan dah terbantut niat nak berterus-terang.. pulak yang emosi... macam la I ni Kabir Bhatia ,tapi apa yang ingin saya perkatakan dalam entry kali ini adalah tentang CINTA IPAR. Bolehkah saya mengkategorikan Adam termasuk golongan cinta ipar ni.?? je aku.. :)
Bukan apa..kebetulan, semalam ( Jumaat ) saya cuti balik kampung ada kenduri, sempat saya menonton Wanita Hari Ini ( WHI). Topik pulak pasal cinta ipar ni la. Panel jemputan ialah Dato' Dr Fadzillah Ali dan Diana Rafar. Diana dijemput sebab dia pernah melakonkan watak adik ipar yang fallin' in luv dengan abang ipaq, lakonan Eizlan ( saya dan jugak tengok drama ni tapi tak habis ). Ada pulak caller, seorang lelaki tipon crita masalah dia dengan abang ipar dia - suami kakak dia. Bayangkan abang ipar suka dengan adik ipar lelaki pulak tu.. sah2 dah g*y dia mintak pandangan dan nasihat Dato' ni la..
Antara point Dato' yang sempat saya ingat ialah.
1) kena tau hukum halal, haram..ini dah sah2 haram sebab kaum sejenis..kalau suka dekat perempuan tu logik jugakla.
2) elakkan dari tinggal serumah / berjumpa dgn abang ipaq tadi
3) selalu kena ingat, dia adalah suami kakak kandung kita, takkan kita nak biar kakak kita sendiri teraniaya
4) perlu ingat, dalam hal macam ini, banyak keluarga/hati yang involve. Keluarga kakak kita,
keluarga kita, mak ayah kita, keluaraga sebelah abang ipar, anak2 dia
Point lain yang Dato' kupaskan untuk cinta ipar secara amnya :
1) kalau adik ipar perempuan tinggal sekali, jgn dok berkemban keluar bilik air, pakai seksi,
walaupun dalam rumah makayah kita, kan ada abang ipar kita...
2) Kena hormat antara satu sama lain. Respek dia sebagai suami kakak kita jangan dok
mengada2, tergedik2.
3) Jangan terlalu mesra ( ipar tapi mesra??), tepuk tampaq, cuit muit dan sebagainya.
4) Jika kes, bercinta dengan adik, kawin dengan abang, bila2 time raya ka kenduri ka balik kampung mesti jumpa si adik, ex-boyfren tu kan.. Perlu buang jauh2 kenangan bersama dia dan perlu meletakkan hak dia sebagai adikipar, bukan lagi ex-boy.Perlu kuatkan hati dan jangan bagi chance kalau si adik tu cuba main mata
5) Bertepuk sebelah tangan tak akan berbunyi..( sapa kata, kalau p tepuk kat dinding ka meja
ka, ada bunyi jugak kan)..senang tak payah tepuk.Jangan sapa pun mulakan perasaan itu
Bagi saya point yang paling penting ialah Iman..bila iman ada dalam dada, insyaAllah, kita tahu bezakan itu abang ipaq, ni kakak ipaq, kita tahu batas kita. After all, aurat kita dengan depa still macam ajnabi.
P/S : Saya tertarik dengan pesona Adam ( Remy Ishak) dalam crita tu.Wahhh..sungguh
smart.Harapnya suami saya tak marah bila baca ni. Saya cuma mengkagumi dan memuji ciptaan Allah dan bakat yang Allah kurniakan utk Remy. Hehehe- ayat cover
P/S 2: Nasibla Aidil dlaam gambaq ni soleh.Kalau tak mesti dia dah api2kan Nur-Adam dan mula bunga2 cinta dengan Nur kan
Emcee Yang Tak Jadi
Kali ini di luar kebiasaan saya menulis, enty hari ini disertakan beberapa keping gambar.salu jarang ada gambaq kan! Tapi utk sehari saja .heheee..
Seperti yang pernah saya cerita dalam entri yang ini,saya jadi back-up emcee yet still have to do some other work in meeting room. Memandangkan hanya ada 3 employee dalam bilik VVIP ( besides our Head of Dept and VVIP – all the pengarah2 T*B,K*st*m, &migr$sen, PB*, B*mba,.M&TI, MID*A, US*, Police –to name a few) makanya saya la kena dok layan tetamu. Antara kerja2 tambahan yang saya lakukan di dalam bilik ( memandangkan back-up emcee tak function) itu adalah serve refreshment, tolong tuang air utk gabenor , angkat dulang hadiah utk disampaikan kepada gabenor dan yang akhir sekali, tolong bagi pen utk Tun sign .
Hehehe…tapi rasanya itu tidaklah seglamour daripada jadi dayang2 yang dok sambut VVIP, usher diorang ke dewan bankuet. Seramai 25 orang ‘dayang2’ ni semuanya berpakaian cantik, mekap lawa…hari ini adalah hari bebas dari larangan bermekap di ofis saya. Saya yang tidak ada alat solek yg lengkap mendapat ihsan kwn2 yang pandai bersolek dan depa tolong contengkan muka saya
*tenaga kerja yang bertungkus lumuih*
* the real emcee (baju kuning)*
*poyo la ..kui.kui...kui*
Maaf, gambar telah dialih keluar
Saturday, August 8, 2009
3rd WBW Event in Penang ( Jusco Bandar Perda)
This will be the last entry for World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) in Penang. As promised,the last event was held in JJ Perda today organized by Hospital Bukit Mertajam collaboration with UMNO Bhgn.
I was at work this morning ( rehearsal Gabenor nak mai Isnin ni ) and afraid that I couldn't attend this event . Luckily Novia, one of MMPS member who lead us today told me that our slot is only start at 5pm not 4pm as per earlier plan.So I manged to reach JJ at 4pm just before talk by Pn. Zuraidah Pegawai Pemakanan ( if not mistaken ).
A few booths were set up at the venue. One is from Hospital Bkt Mertajam itself, 2nd we have goody bags booth ( banyak sungguh goody bags and giftaway ), we have cosmetic company doing their promotion, we have diaper booth ( got free 1 sample each), and some more that I haven't got chance to hunt.
Myself, Vasu (MMPS) and Wawa ( were bit surprise to see the crowd. I mean the crowd not that huge but the place is big and when you talk thru microfon, macam satu JJ boleh dengaq. Three of us never expect to have our sharing session in this kind of condition..Ingat ke biasa2 je.. Malu la beb...
Pn Zuraidah ended his talk after an hour. Then the mics goes to our team. Novia, the emcee for our slot talk first. Basically she introduced her self and share her BF experience . 1st speaker was Vasu... ( yang putih manis orangnya )... gubra because she afraid cannot converse in Bahasa, tapi bila mic dah dapat kat dia..macam cikgu BM pulak Vasu ni. Very interesting, informative and drawing people's attention ...She share her BF experience she faced some hassle for her 1st to latch on.How she overcome it. Her experience BF in public/on plane for long hours and many more.
2nd speaker was Wawa. Her topic is interesting. BF experience with premature baby.Her daugther Azra Damia was born at 8th month of pregnancy. How Wawa decided to give her best even her prem baby unable to direct feeding yet. She pumped the milk out consistenly and now after 6 months, Azra Damia is a healthy, strong girl.The husband must be very proud when Wawa announced which one is AzraDamia and each of the audience turns back to look at both Azra and daddy ! To Wawa's husband if you read this...congratulations. I know Azra keep consuming her Ummi's milk until now never be a great journey without her daddy's support ! This is one of example how a father can support BF... there are many other ways if u guys can figure it out ..( To abi, thanks for your supports all this while- sat lagi lupa pulak nak greet husband sendiri ..hehehe )
And the last speaker, of course la me... :) My topic was about BF mom cum career mom.Basically I share my experience pumping at office, intially how I seek my boss permission to 'runaway' from desk -15minutesx3times/day for pumping routine. How may company really care nursing mothers' need. Can read my office nursing room here . How I explain and come out with a simple way for my babysitter to understand FIFO( First Come First serve ) concept in giving out ebm to SI. ( I numbered SI's bottle from 1 -4 or 5,depends on how may bottle I supply for that day just tell the babysitter to use no.1 first , then follow by 2..3...etc. So the babysitter is not confuse which one to use first ( almaklumla babysitter SI ni pangkat nenek, takut tersalah pilih ebm, jenoh pulak nak suruh dia tengok tarikh la, time la kat botol tuu..
I also cover stock preparation during confinement, BF gadget ( pump and cooler bag ). I told the audience some of us even play kut pam susu. Depa gelak..tak pernah dengaq lagi orang main kutu pam susu...hehe. That were some of the points I cover in my sharing...
We ended our slot with Q&A. We received about 4 Qs and Novia help to answer it.(nasib ada pakar ). Not to forget variety of souvenirs, food ( nasi kandar tu..), goody bag for us to bring back.
To wrap up, everything went smooth. Walaupun kami berempat, tapi semangat tu kuat..sbbnya org2 hospital yang involve utk kumpulan sokongan ibu pun bukanlah yang kami ni spirit of young generations gitu...hehehe..
p/s: terkilan sgt sbb takbwk no pic la..yang dlm hp ni pun blur semacam
Friday, August 7, 2009
Grooming Class
Last Wednesday afternoon, I have attended the grooming class that I’ve mentioned in my previous entry. We started off the class at 1pm. We have 4 trainers that taught us about make up, table manner, and personality corporate etiquette . One of them is the sexy Miss Malaysia Queen 2008 ( I do not know exactly what the beauty pageant name ) . All of them from KL..
First session was make up. 1 man and 1 lady’s volunteer to be make over. This time was thrill because knowing me that not soo aware on make-up2 things , what should you put for first layer on your face la.. types of powder la.. how to wear eye-lashes tiruan and so on
Next is table manner course. She covered the very basic of course. She demonstrated on table arrangement , how to eat properly and etc.
The last course was about personality, how you walk, how to walk with evening gown ( yang meleret – leret ditambah pulak heel yng berinchi2.. ) _ how you sit, eye contact and bla..bla..bla… banyak jugak la dia cover. This Miss Malaysia Queen beautiful is the presenter. Tau tau saja la bila Miss Malaysia ajaq berjalan..dia jalan cantik catwalk..kami2 ni mcm duckwalk …
Of course the best part is when most of our Big Bosses were very sporting on the day , willingly to be the model , walk on the stage , been make-over.
I think that’s all about the groom class .Even is not what we expected ( we are more interested to know on how to behave in front of VVIP, how to eat together with them, what should we chat about..) as if we gonna attend social party and towards the end of the class, the presenter macam dah mula merapu ..
He posted a question “ Is anybody in this hall wear a nice underwe*r to day, raise up the hand ? "Girls, Did your mom teach u to change your br@ every day … and many more ( yang tak sanggup saya revealkan kat sini ) . Looks like the male presenter macam g*y..opppsss !!
Afterall, I did enjoy the class especially informative session. Yang merapu tu, we just ignore it . Mungkin depa jarang2 buat training utk corporate sector kot… and rasa sgt tak berbaloi we spend about belas2 ribu for this kind of class. After the course, our MD guided us on how the day looks like. He taught us things that we expect from the trainer. ( rasanya dia pun rasa this trainer is not adding value )
p/s : Kalau jemput macam Norma Norell ke mesti rasa berbaloi-baloi….
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Just wanna ask around, anyone experience became an emcee before ??.
I was so surprised being nominated to become an emcee of one of upcoming event at my company. Well, I left emcee field quite some time and my last event was receiving a delegation from Chubu University , Japan to our place . When I started work, become very low profile.. banyak keja lagi nak kena settle and rasa dah tua ..bagi la yang muda2 expose
Nothing interesting of the story becoming an emcee because I am a back-up emcee. So not that VIP . But this is quite a huge event whereby our TYT Penang Governor is the VVVIP on the day. And about 100 head of department and senior government officers are coming to visit …Is an honor BTW !
And I have gone thru an interview by one of the Dato' who incharge of our company corporate affair . (After listen to him , I think his job is electrifying , sampai boleh dapat Datoship ). Moreover he is nice guy too! And he also remind us that is not difficult compare by having Sultan in as you need to address their salutation properly and correctly such “ Ampun Tuanku beribu Ampun, sembah patik harap diampun” and their such a long name and gelaran with Al, Billah, Syah
Why we are going to have TYT in da -house… I guess we want to build a strong rapport with Penang State Gov and to let new government know our existing . I remembered a story about our ex CEO, whenever he came from US and visited T*B, they will serve him 1st class because why… our bill for electricity is about RM 5 million per month… Manalah T*B tak layan baeeekkk punya… !
So back to an emcee..any tips for me in case there is emergency and I have to replace the main emcee? Or else I can just goyang kaki dok dlm bilik mesyuarat walaupun tak jadi emcee dan dapat makan bersama2 TYT.
And all these senior employees keep asking me whether can I wear something bright on that day.Can I put make up on my face… ( Tau la saya salu comot mai keja..abis dah company mmg tak bagi pakai make up ). Definitely I will dress up ( walaupun hanya back up emcee , siap dah book make –up artist gitu .heheh..nasib ada sorang kakak ni sanggup nak conteng muka saya nanti)
And tomorrow,we, the committe for TYT visit will be attending grooming class for half a day..wallah...siapa takmau tu..agak2 apa dia ajar esok ye ( cara makan, cara jalan, cara dressing, cara bercakap dengan orang2 atasan, ..?? ) ... wait for my grooming class entry soon.
Monday, August 3, 2009
2nd WBW event and Ziyyad Birthday Bash
Since we have 3 WBW events in Penang, so please don’t get bored to read my entry. I have another 2 more events to update you.
After the 1st event in USM, we have another one organized by Kangaroo Club, Penang Adventist Hospital. It was held at Queensbay Mall. The agenda basically about BF talk, Testimonial from BF moms, BabyWearing show, Contest : Father in Babywearing , Kids Fashion show and Cert Giving for BF mother more than a year.
The program started at 2pm at I was supposed to be there to receive the >1 year BF mom. But sad to say., due to unavoidable incident happened at home, we only managed to reach there at about 3pm. So, I miss the cert giving ceremony.Huhuhu…Luckily They still pass me the cert down stage. ( eventually dapat jugak sijil walaupun down stage ). When I arrived, there was a father wearing sling contest. Is funny to see all those daddies ‘terkial-kial” wearing a sling.
After the contest and announce the winner, then the real and correct way of babywearing show by MBW team. Variety of carriers were demonstrated on the stage. Program continues with testimonial from BF mother. I only managed to see Debz ( MMPS President) delivered her speech on her BF experience with her 2 kids playing freely on the stage. ( I was looking for battery for my camera-conk pulak masa tu )
*2 out of 3 of my BF cert*. *Debs and kids on stage*.*Abi and SI walking together*
I did not wait until end of event as I need to attend another function on the same day. It was Izzul Ziyyad’s 1st Birthday Celebration ! We rushed to Sg Ara as the party started at 2, But already inform Ernie a.k.a AnasFadilah that we gonna be late. Confidently, I navigated abi the location but to my surprise Balai Raya Sg Ara that mention by the host is empty…nobody there. Mula la gelabah takut2 silap date.
I don’t have Erni’s hp #, I tried to call one of my friend asking her “ ada lagi ka Balai raya kat Sg Ara ni. She directed me to the correct venue. Is Balai Raya Sg Ara, Kampung Baru. Fortunate enough, we found it ! ( Penang ni tak besaq mana..sesat pun at last boleh jumpa jugak )
Happening ! The only word that best describe Ziyyad Birthday party.. Punya la ramai budak2..and by the time we reach there. The kids are having fun with games….and Erni’s FIL ( Tokwan Hassan ) is very talented to handle the game..At last I met AnasFadilah, the famous NursingCover maker – sungguh comel, muka awet muda..memang muda pun mak budak sorang ni…
We enjoyed bihun sup, pulut kuning & kari ayam, kuih muih and fruits. SI kind of shocked ..too many kids playing happily around. At first, SI malu2..but then she knew how to enjoy herself even the kids tak berapa layan dia sbb depa dah besaq… Look at her in the picture below..sampai terduduk kat lantai syok tengok orang main.
Perut kenyang and SI dapat belon, we made a move. Thanks AnasFadillah and family for a great treat and Happy Birthday dear Ziyyad! Hope you like the gift from SI.
*Tuan rumah AnasFadila ( lady in black)*.*Happening party*.
Wait for my next BF event entry next week. Hang on here soon.!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
1st event- WBW in Penang
The first event conjunction with World Breastfeeding Week I attended is organized by Penang MMPS ( Mother to Mother Peer Support ) this morning.
It was held at USM. Supposingly to kick off at 9am but heavy rain, most of the participants arrived late. Guest of Honour, Mr Yuesof Omar from UNICEF ( he's not Malaysian ) reach on time but with handful of audience, organizer waited until the hall is almost 60% occupied.
Mr Yusof and VIPs
vital emergency response).
Male emcee on BF program ?? This is a way of men show their support
Next, the most significant activity was "1 minute simultaneous BF" where all BF moms were called to the front and BF for a minute. I guess about 30-40 moms took part in this activity. Me and SI was one of them but SI nursed 5 minute earlier and done even before the "1 minute" activity started. This is our 2nd experience .Last year we got 63 moms to nurse their babies
The program continued with opening speech from Mr Yusof, followed by USM Rep, Dr. Aisha where she told us her BF experience. MMPS also invited one of rep from ( apologize I am not sure where she was from ) but basically she talked about BM and how FM manufacturer try to manipulate and to portrait a bad message of BF to the world, how should we react and how BF can be a life safer during disaster . Unfortunately when she was talking , I took SI out form hall because she gave me a signal of " Ummi, I cannot stand inside here any longer because I could not understand what they are talking. Besides I am still hungry even after eating bun and raisin". I was out of hall until end of the program. ( because is not allowable to eat heavy food inside, so that is the reason why we were out ). There was another speaker from MERCY( I think ) continued with next topic
Towards the end of program, there were 2 games for audience, one is Father and Kid dancing on a piece of newspaper. 2nd is baby crawling contest.The program end with a photo taking session, banner signing, announcement on total # of BF moms participated "1 minute simultaneous BF" and lunch. We have around 343 moms took part and BF their babies at the same time all over Malaysia - if I am not mistaken or just Penang ( I dun think so as Penang is too small to gather such a huge # of BF mom in one event)
To wrap up, I would say, this a a very knowledgeable and interesting event. Beside making new friend , I gain new knowledge and info especially on how BF is a vital emergency response. This is 1 Malaysia where all races get together for one mission.
Thanks to MMPS especially KakShida and Novia for inviting us. To Rozy , I really enjoy the time with you and Hadiff, Aisyah ( yang sempat bertegur sapa masa nak balik). Till we meet again for the same event in Aug 2010 !!